Want a Booking System for your Driving Instructor Business?
If you are a driving instructor running your own business, often from the car seat, administration is not easy. We appreciate your problems! Through our relationships with clients who are driving instructors, we have developed easy to operate booking systems for driving instructors - software to make admin and booking appointments automatic - so its a lot easier, quicker and saves you money!
Booking systems for driving instructors will lighten the load.
THE PROBLEM: If you are a driving instructor with a student during driving lessons, the phone could be ringing. Isn`t it tempting to answer it! Working your own business in a moving car, with pupils to support, telephone interruptions are the last thing you need, and yet they are the very thing your business thrives on and perhaps you also need to get the admin done for each pupil maybe hours later. Might be your next client wanting to cancel, or a new client wanting to make an appointment. Leaving the phone in your bag is the only safe thing to do.
THE ANSWER: Here`s how booking systems for driving instructors will help you. A driving instructor`s day starts or ends at any time and meeting students at different locations can mean a hectic day driving across town and back. Routines are hard to maintain... then ... your breaks. Do you spend spare time trying to call back to sort out those enquiries? Sorting out paper work in the boot of the car? Wouldn`t it be preferable to leave your booking system to deal with everything - then just check your calendar on your phone when its convenient to see who has booked/cancelled without any effort from yourself?
Keeping good communications going with your pupils is essential to maintain a thriving business as a driving instructor. Here`s where booking systems for driving instructors come into their own...
- Cuts out the phone calls while you`re on the road
- Takes bookings 24/7
- Takes payments directly
- Acknowledges all bookings by email
- Confirms pupils` details and logs them all securely
- Attracts (and keeps) clients and stimulates `impulse` bookings
- Makes it easy to keep in contact with your students
- Reduces cancellations and mistakes
- Ensures that all data is accurate
- Upsells `add-ons` at point of sale
- Optimises bookings
- Avoids paper diaries, calendars, lost paperwork
Booking systems for driving instructors save you money too!
If you think about it, every call takes time - up to 15 minutes to book an appointment, make sure you have all the right details, log phone and email details, personal details for the applicant, then finding an available date in your calendar. There`s a good chance of mistakes when you are running late. Then what if you forget to call someone back, and they go to another driving instructor?
A booking system handles the routine calls for you, and just like ordering a delivery from say a pizza parlour, pupils can see where there is an available appointment and book themselves in automatically using their smartphone. You are totally in charge of all your availability and can make changes at any time. All the details are logged, you can make alterations when it suits you, even invoicing and payments can be done through the booking system without you lifting a finger. When it comes to your accounts - same thing - all details are there, you can send it all to your accountant. How many hours of time does that save you? Time is money.
If you think that this all sounds expensive, it doesn`t have to be. In fact, from around £30 a month, you could benefiting from a proper booking system specially designed for driving instructors, that saves you time, money and hassle.
So if you are rushed off your feet, our specially designed booking systems for driving instructors could be just what you need.
Give us a call to find out more.
Best Bookings works with all kinds of businesses making booking systems that make life a lot easier.