Need a Cloud Based Booking System?
When you need a Cloud based hotel booking system that really works to get your business admin into one handy place, come to Best Bookings. We offer a comprehensive service for all kinds of online booking systems. You might think that a basic booking system can be obtained cheaply or even for nothing. This is true - but you may find it doesn`t actually deliver the goods! Why not start with a decent system that actually IS designed around your immediate needs, with room for expansion built in?
Unique Cloud Based Booking Systems
Having been in the business of creating cloud based booking systems for hotel clients and many other kinds of businesses, we know that all companies are different, and have varied needs. Our Cloud based hotel booking systems are designed to work seamlessly with your hotel website, to book in guests and if you want it, to handle many other details such as invoicing, hospitality management, online diaries, menu planning, stock control etc as well as booking in guests at times they choose themselves.
A Cloud Based Hotel Booking System for Better Organisation.
A Cloud based hotel booking system will help you organise your guests and all their data safely and all the bookings all in one handy place. It is accessible online, from any tablet or smartphone, with different levels of access for all those who need to know the details. You remain in complete control of bookings but the online booking system simply handles all the routine matters such as taking details of names, addresses dates and spacing the bookings in an efficient manner for you without human input saving a lot of staff time and generally when guests input their own details, keeps the data accurate, saving it in a variety of secure formats so that especially with the bespoke systems, when you need to crunch the information and see how your business is performing, you can do so. So your cloud based hotel booking system can save you a lot of frustration, plus time and money!
These handy online tools have been around for quite a while and if you`re on a budget, different levels of service can cost as much or as little as you like with flexible payment terms. In fact, we can provide a basic cloud based hotel booking system for you for around £50 a month to get you into the game. There are more bespoke booking systems available, and these have many more features which can be switched on or off, depending on your needs.
Trusted Booking Systems with Great Customer Service from Real People
Because we are a UK company, and have developed these booking systems both with and for our own clients, you can be sure of great customer service whilst using your cloud based hotel booking system. Who wants to chat to a `bot` onscreen when you have a problem? We are real people, available on the phone (during office hours) or via email for 24/7 support with your booking system. We also create websites, so if you need to revamp your website, we can also help with this, with knowledge and advice about what helps you publicise your hotel services on the web and much more.
A Cloud based hotel booking system ensures that whatever time, day or night, prospective hotel guests browse your website, they can book whenever the fancy takes them and either pay a deposit or the price in full. So whether or not they decide to turn up, you have still taken a payment.
Now many people think they can get Cloud based booking systems on the internet, for free. We would say, be very careful, because nothing is free. Can you trust a `free` system for something so important? After all, client data has to be totally secure. A `free` booking system has to be making money somewhere and may be harvesting data if not now, at some time in the future. You can be sure that any Cloud based hotel booking system you get from us is totally locked down on a secure server with log in codes and access that is completely confidential. If your `free` booking system goes wrong, again, who do you trust? An impersonal chat window, an advisor in another country, or direct contact with the team who have set you up with the system and can talk you through any problems you may have.
Chat to Us About Booking Systems!
So come to our offices in Eastbourne, Sussex, UK, or call us on the phone, email, for advice, a quote, or a demonstration. We are happy to discuss a suitable hotel booking system that works with your website, matches your website and makes your business look efficient and modern when people want to book a room.