Looking for Hotel Booking Software?
If you run a business where a date and time slots need to be allocated to clients or guests, then you could really benefit from our paperless hotel booking software.
Designed Exclusively for Your Hotel
There is plenty of hotel booking software about, but does it do exactly what you needs? Our platforms have been developed with and for our clients, and we specialise in tailor made hotel booking software that`s easy to operate, quick to set up, that gives you a multitude of options and at a very attractive price!
How Will Hotel Booking Software Help Me?
The hotel booking software saves you hours of time (and money) every month. It allows for automatic independent bookings and availability checks. Our hotel booking software is also suitable for hairdressers, beauty salons, chiropractors, restaurants, garages, electricians, plumbers, therapists, dentists, vets and of course, guest houses and B&Bs, in fact anywhere where guests or clients need to book.
Paperless Working with Hotel Booking Software
Quick and easy to use, this intuitive software is integrated into your existing website, so that visitors do not need to go to an outside agency. Having your own specialised and personally designed hotel booking software is a safer and more secure way of online booking, where you are totally in control with guaranteed safety of your data. Our hotel booking software enables you to have all guest bookings managed in one easy place. It is easy to operate and can be accessed easily by members of your staff with their own log-ins and levels of authorisation. Having a paperless diary is an efficient and time-saving way to make bookings and requests simpler.
Our hotel booking software also has the great feature of report generating to help monitor who has booked in for what and when. Because of the unique way that our own systems have developed over the years, the systems are flexible, modular and, most importantly, built in-house which means our programmers and developers can exactly match them to the customers’ requirements.
Use your software to help you manage your accounting procedures too. With management features to help you move to paperless working, and easy communication with online accounting packages your accountant can also check your figures online - saving you even more time at the end of every month.